Conflict Minerals

Services in the area of Conflict Minerals

Compliance administration

Company process audit

Establishment of an internal management system, identifying risks in the supply chain and data collection (through CMRT/ EMRT/ and others) are key steps for gathering information regarding the respective smelters, refiners, and country of mineral origins. Sources-Matter offers administrative support that can help you gather all the necessary data in your supply chain, perform a plausibility check, and and prepare or upload all necessary evidence and reports required by your customers.

Poor processes towards internal and external aspects with respect to due diligence on Conflict Minerals can have a significant impact on your supply chain, loss of business and investors, and brand reputation damage. Sources-Matter offers you true industry experts who can conduct a process review followed by a gap analysis and ultimately help you understand the context and implement best practices in line with RMI and OECD due diligence guidelines to promote responsible business conduct.



Understanding Conflict Minerals regulatory requirements, best practices roles and responsibilities, supplier awareness, and potential consequences of poor due diligence processes are critical for fulfilling these requirements. Sources-Matter can prepare educational workshops for your stakeholders and suppliers.

Constantly changing legislation and increasing market and customer requirements can be very challenging to follow. Sources-Matter offers consulting services and can help you with an understanding of how to transfer respective requirements on Conflict Minerals into actions.